Cloud dough is so soft & so squishy & such a fun sensory recipe!
This TWO ingredient, non-cook dough is a perfect one to let your learner make on their own. Help them work on measurement, following directions, patience & more!

Sensory Play encourages learning through curiosity, creativity, and free exploration of materials.
It can be a safe way to release big energy or emotions!
Sensory Play supports:
Language development & vocabulary
Cognitive growth
Fine motor skills (small muscle movements)
Gross motor skills (big movements)
Problem-solving skills
Exploration of textures
One's ability to make connections
The concept of cause & effect

Cloud Dough Materials:
Hair conditioner or lotion
Mixing cup
Sensory tray or bowl
Any tools or trinkets you'd like

How To:
Mix 2 cups cornstarch with one cup hair conditioner or lotion.
Stir together with a spoon.
When it is all incorporated, take it out & knead well with your hands.

A Play Filled Life Tip: If you want to add glitter or food coloring to your dough, add in your conditioner to the bowl FIRST. Next, stir in your glitter and/or your food coloring. Then, top with the cornstarch & mix!

After you mix your dough, it may still look a bit crumbly. Here's where your hands get a workout! Take the mixture out & knead it. The more you squish & squeeze & smoosh the dough, the softer it gets! As all of the ingredients blend together, the dough becomes silky soft, easy to mold & perfect for little hands.

Store in an airtight container for up to a week. Wrap it in plastic wrap to keep it soft.
If it starts to get dry, add a little more conditioner or lotion.
If it is too sticky, add a little more cornstarch.
Want to extend your learning and play?
Add in your favorite alphabet or number stamps.
Practice rolling the dough into snakes & forming letters with it.
Hide small objects in the dough. Have your learner dig through and find them, working those fingers and hands!
Download our FREE Cloud Dough Recipe Card HERE!!!
